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The Top Seven Spiritual Tattoo Designs You Must Try

· gold coast tattoo,best tattoo places,tattoo artists

Even though diverse body modification procedures are available, none has unfortunately achieved as much popularity as tattooing. Besides rejuvenating external appearance and highlighting essential aspects of character, it can also be utilised to rebel against age-old societal concepts, express suppressed emotions, honour deceased family member, friend, colleague, relative, or famous personality, etc. Now among several designs trending, in following write-up, I have chalked down the ones treasuring spiritual connotations. Please check them out now.

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• Hamsa- Specialists working in best tattoo places Gold Coast emphasised on significance of Hamsa or hand of Almighty, where fingers are either apart or intertwined. According to Christian beliefs, Hamsa depicts kindness, an intrinsic characteristic of Virgin Mary while in Islam, it denotes the five pillars namely faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage.

• Om- Om is perhaps most significant Sanskrit word, which resonates song of universe. It acts as a source of extreme knowledge and very essence of bodily existence. By etching this particular symbol on our hand, we would never be able to deny how a human being’s personal energy is connected to that of the cosmos.

• Cross- Christians consider cross extremely important probably because it denotes death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, son of God. In certain other cultures, the said symbol serves to be ‘axis mundi’ or centre of universe around which all other elements revolve. An ornamental Celtic cross symbolizes eternal love.

• Lotus- A lotus is an extremely complicated and meaningful tattoo design, whose denotation changes because of illustration, colour, and religion. For Hindus, this particular flower personifies beauty, purity, and development while for Buddhists, it represents the Eightfold Path, following which one can achieve nirvana.

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• Heart- Competent Gold Coast tattoo artists said depending on style, a heart can convey various meanings. It is usually etched by women on inner arm, ankle, nape of neck, hairline, outer collarbone, etc. In Christianity, the symbol shows how Almighty lives in His devotees’ hearts forever.

• All Seeing Eye- All Seeing Eye usually depicts the Third Eye of Lord Buddha or Shiva, who can see true nature of things. In Christianity, it symbolises God’s merciful nature. As per Bible, God loves everybody, even the sinners, and He forgives mistakes of devotees, no matter how many times the latter commit them.

• Dove- Dove has special significance in Christianity. In addition to representing peace, love, elegance, etc., this particular bird flew carrying an olive leaf in its beak to inform Noah that the Great Flood has stopped, or in other words, the water started to recede.

Are you planning on etching any of the designs stated above? If yes, contact Celebrity Ink™, the biggest tattoo brand in the world, without any hesitation. Each professional working out here is flexible, knowledgeable, proficient, attentive, experienced, reliable, and resourceful. Apart from assuring optimal outcome under all circumstances, they also strictly comply with internationally recognised hygiene standards. Now isn’t that absolutely great? You can choose any other studio too but carry out a thorough background check before scheduling appointment.